Yamal je neposredno sodeloval pri doseganju golov na zadnjih 7 uradnih tekmah
    V tretjem krogu La Lige je Barcelona v gosteh igrala z Rayo Vallecanom. V drugem polčasu je Lamine Yamal asistiral Olmu, ki je dosegel gol na 7 zaporednih uradnih tekmah. V prvem krogu proti Valencii je Yamal asistiral Lewandowskemu, da je dosegel gol. V drugem krogu proti Athleticu iz Bilbaa je Yamal odprl gol za Barcelono. V tem krogu je Yamal asistiral Olmu za gol.Prejšnje štiri tekme, na katerih je Yamal sodeloval, so bile štiri izločilne tekme evropskega pokala....
    By peggie1 2024-08-29 06:49:37 0 113
    La Liga - Barcelona je premagala Rayo Vallecano z 2-1 in dosegla tri zaporedne zmage
    V tretjem krogu La Lige je Nogometnih dresov Barcelona premagala Rayo Vallecano z 2:1. Rayo Vallecano igra to tekmo na domačem PK proti Barceloni, ki je bila pred tekmo na tretjem mestu. Le v 8. minuti tekme je Parazon padel v kazenskem prostoru Barcelone in sodnik je ušel. Počasen posnetek kaže, da se zdi, da je Yamal naredil majhen udarec! Minuto kasneje je De Frutos z žogo pobegnil na desno črto, nato pa poslal odličen predložek z obrnjenim trikotnikom, ki je žogo naletel na desno...
    By peggie 2024-08-28 12:03:31 0 117
    NBA 2K25: A Newcomer's Gateway to Greatness
    NBA 2K25 is set to launch on September 4, bringing a host of new features designed to cater to both seasoned players and newcomers. As someone new to the franchise, I had the chance to try out the game’s new Learn 2K mode, which is a game-changer for beginners like me. Learning the BasicsKicking off my experience in the Learn 2K mode, I quickly realized how comprehensive this tutorial is. It covers everything from shooting and dribbling to off-the-ball movement and defense, broken down...
    By malcobelly 2024-08-28 01:55:38 0 120
    Novo presenečenje Real Madrida, Mbappe, je bolj sramoten kot 0 golov na 2 tekmah
    Novo presenečenje Real Madrida, Mbappe, je bolj sramoten kot 0 golov na 2 tekmah, težavo pa dodaja tudi Anshuai.Mbappe je nadaljeval s svojim prvim nastopom, a še vedno ni uspel doseči ničesar v prvih dveh tekmah La Lige, imel je 0 golov in 0 podaj, skupaj z veliko zgrešenimi priložnostmi za gol, zaradi česar je bil deležen številnih kritik. Še bolj neprijetno pa je, da je Real Madrid po zamenjavi Mbappeja v 86. minuti zabil 2 gola zapored in rezultat spremenil iz...
    By peggie1 2024-08-27 11:58:33 0 116
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Horror Websaeries often explore dark subject matter and may deal with transgressive topics or themes. Broad elements include monsters, apocalyptic events, and religious or folk beliefs. Cinematic techniques used in horror films have been shown to provoke psychological reactions in an audience. Horror series has existed for more than a century. From origins in silent films and German Expressionism, the horror only became a codified genre after the release of Dracula (1931). Horror is particularly prominent in the cinema of Japan, Korea, Italy, and Thailand, among other countries. Despite being the subject of social and legal controversy due to their subject matter, some horror films and franchises have seen major commercial success, influenced society, and spawned several popular culture icons.
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