Alimony, which can also go by the term of spousal support, is going to be a periodic support payment that one former spouse is going to make to another. Alimony can only be ordered before the final divorce decree is entered and it is not possible for one of the spouses to ask for this once the divorce is done and finalized. The three types of alimony that you will be able to work with include:


# Pendente lite alimony: This is a temporary amount of support that one spouse is going to pay to the other while the divorce is pending. This means that it is paid while the divorce is going through the court and the final divorce decree is not done. 

# Rehabilitative alimony: This is a type that will provide some support for a limited purpose or a limited amount of time. The goal is to help one spouse with some temporary support so they have time to become self-supporting. For example, the court may order this alimony for two years to allow a spouse to get a degree or to find work if they were at home for some time taking care of the kids. This is the most common type of alimony that is awarded. 

# Indefinite alimony: This type of support is going to help one spouse, and it does not have an end date. It is not common, but can be awarded if there is a reason that one spouse can’t make reasonable progress to being self-supporting. This could be done due to a disability, an illness, or their age. It can also be ordered if the standard of living, no matter what the one spouse did, would change significantly when the divorce is done. 


If you and your spouse can’t come up with an agreement about this alimony, then the court will come in and make the decision. You never know which way that is going to go, so working on this through mediation and with the help of your own attorney can be the best option. 

Going through a divorce can be overwhelming, but the right legal support makes all the difference. Our team of experienced divorce lawyers in Columbia, MD, is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the process. From child custody to asset division, we provide personalized, compassionate representation to protect your rights and secure the best outcome for your future. Don’t navigate this challenging time alone—reach out to our trusted divorce lawyers in Columbia, MD, today for a consultation and take control of your next chapter.