Average Ratings: 3/5
Score:75% Positive
Reviews Counted:9

Ratings:2/5 Review By:  Twitter

AamirKhan’s comeback vehicle #LSC runs out of fuel midway… Lacks a captivating screenplay to enthrall you [second half goes downhill]… Has some terrific moments, but lacks fire in totality.


Ratings:— Review By:  Film information

On the whole, Laal Singh Chaddha is a dull and over-indulgent fare which will find some appreciation among the classes mainly but will not find favour with the masses. It will, therefore, not make a mark at the box-office. Collections in high-end multiplexes will be somewhat good but the film will not be able to score in lesser multiplexes, single-screen cinemas and smaller stations. Having said that, it must be added that its business in the final tally would be more than its merits because of the bountiful first eight-day week which is full of extra holidays


Ratings:— Review By:  Filmcompanion

Like Forrest Gump Laal Singh Chaddha is an episodic film but for the storytelling to succeed we have to be emotionally invested in laal as he moves from one episode to another which happens only intermittently the story adapted by actor atul kulkarni making his writing debut largely stays flat laal singh chada is obviously a labor of
love but it never finds those high notes this is a film more to be admired than loved


Ratings:3/5 Review By:  NDTV

One could say pretty much the same about Laal Singh Chaddha. Its flaws notwithstanding, it is a highly watchable film that hits the right buttons for the most part.