
After discovering an old riddle that talks about the hidden treasures of King Shashanka, Sona-da Subarna Sen, Abir and Jhinuk follow a perilous trail to find it.

Cast & Crew

  • Dhrubo Banerjee,Director
  • Abir Chatterjee,Actor
  • Arjun Chakraborty,Actor
  • Ishaa Saha,Actor
  • Kamaleshwar Mukherjee,Actor

Following the trail of Guptodhoner Sandhane and Durgeshgorer Guptodhan, Dhrubo Banerjee is back with a new story that has an extremely interesting historical premise. Building on a 12th-century claim that Shashanka was the destroyer of many Buddhist stupas in Bengal, the film begins on a slow note, but picks up pace, with plot points referring to a period where King Shashanka would rule the kingdom of Gouda, around the times of King Harshavardhana.
As history plays a major role in this story, the detailed sets and props are perhaps a must to make it believable, and it needs to be noted that sets and props, as well as references to actual lesser-known historic locales, are quite well-depicted in this film. This, together with great background music and sound, adds to the dramatic effect and captures the audience’s attention quite succinctly, especially after the story speeds up significantly post-interval. The cinematography by Soumik Haldar is quite interesting, specifically of the top shots of forests, hills and archeological remains.
As Sona-da, Abir Chatterjee resumes his role with a deftness that comes with time and ease, and he is a treat to watch, whether while solving a riddle or catching a bad guy. Arjun Chakrabarty and Ishaa Saha make a cute pair with good chemistry, while Barun Chanda cuts an elegant swathe through the frame. The Sona-da team seems to lack peripheral vision, though, since they never really see the villains coming, despite them standing a few feet apart at times. Sourav Das and Rajatava Dutta as the two baddies share the most marvelous chemistry between them, where their quips and dialogues keep the audience rolling with laughter, and the violence and bloodshed is quite deliberately kept minimal, emphasizing more on the riddles and the mystery factor of the film. This perhaps is what makes this film an entertaining adventure with an intelligent, albeit predictable plot, and a good watch with the family this festive season.