Sand Crab Training for Beginners

Sand Crabs are a effective training method for those who require an AFK Training method for combat, be it due to OSRS gold working or training their other while also engaging in an OSRS gold money-making method in conjunction with their primary.

Sand Crabs are basically damage sponges. They have very high Hitpoints for their levels however, they hit very little. The minimum amount of damage, in fact, the Sand Crab's maximum damage is 1 HP.

That's right.

You can take on with a Sand Crab and go make yourself a sandwich, without worry that your character will be a slur. You can kill them using the most powerful equipment you could imagine and better gear will result in more experience So if you're trying to speed up your training you may need to purchase OSRS gold to gain the highest strength bonus.

Zeah Sand Crabs are essentially more robust, or a healthier, version of their cousins from Relekka Rock Crabs. Like their northern counterparts they are also they are also disguised as rocks. Crabs can be disguised in harmless rock, and aren't evident on the player's minimap. However, the benefit however is Sand Crabs are hostile and can strike at yourself, instead of having to turn each rock to look for them.


From Levels 83-99 Curly Roots

Items Required: Hatchet Tinderbox, Juju teleport spiritbag

From level 83 up to 99 at which point you'll be required to burn 27361 curly roots all. Also, you will require 83 woodcutting skills to chop these roots, however. Make use of the Juju teleport and follow the directions in the video to the right side to reach the lair. Then, you will cut the curly roots. Then, when you've got a full supply, you can utilize them to light the fire in the lair to increase the experience of making fire. You will get 2 roots from the vines growing. The roots are free of amount, and could be a great way to get 99. or perhaps a great way to experience some new things when you're bored with burning logs.

Between levels 60 and 99: Yew Logs (Optional)

From levels from 60-99. you'll have to burn a total of 63.016 yew logging. This isn't recommended, however due to the fact that the cost of yew logs is expensive. However, if you've got lots of money and do not care about it, this might be a viable option to save time.

Level 75-99 Level 75-99: Magic Logs (Optional)

To get to level 99 using 75 magic logs that are burning You will have to burn 38.921 magic logs. This option is also not recommended as it will cost you a large amount of money in order to earn 99 points and won't save you the time.

Skills Mastery


Wine of Zamorak

Contrary to what you believe about Zamorak the man, Zamorak's renowned wines can fetch a decent price at the GE and are able to be utilized to make good ends.

To use this OSRS F2P method of making money, you'll need to be a bit smug as the Chaos temple that you will be able to take advantage of is located deep in Wildnerness. In order to access it, you'll need to Buy RS gold apply the Telekinetic Grab spell on Wine or Zamorak.