Cell surface proteins have a wide range of biological functions, including mediation of cell-cell communication and responses to external signals such as the presence of pathogens or chemical messangers. And they are often used as lineage-specific markers, which define phenotypic and functional differences between cell types, and between normal and diseased cells, such as cancer cells. Rapid characterization of the cell surface markers could not only lead to identification and development of new diagnostic markers and theapeutic targets, but also provide insight into the basic biology of diesease. The ability to obtain broad cell surface protein profiles would thus be of great value in a wide range of fields.

Creative Bioarray provides state-of-the-art cell surface marker validation service to support all researchers, biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the progress of drug development. We provide the full cell surface markers validation services from experimental design to specimen progressing, acquisition, and data analysis.

Stem Cell

Over three decades of stem cell research are currently culminating in remarkable clinical results, highlighting not only the broad applicability of these approaches, but also the immense future prospects of cell and gene therapy using adult stem cells and somatic derivative of pluriopotence stem cells (PSCs). The combined disciplines of cell and gene therapy and tissue engineering, broadly known as regenerative medicine, have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of diseases and injuries.