It appears that you have employed Legendary to create this film!

Well, I'd suggest that we did our best to find them.

How many years have you been searching for a producer?

We've been looking for WoW cataclysm Gold five years and we had wanted to make a film, we would have. We could have made it. However, we've been searching for an opportunity that was right for us, and we didn't want to create video games and we didn't wish to follow the same direction as those who have been utilized. We were looking for an appropriate partner with whom we could collaborate.

Who is the expert in film?

We're not fools to believe that we're experts on how to create movies. The truth is that we're never going to tell you, "Oh, it's all us, so you'll have to follow our advice." Because we we're not movie makers. We're game creators and an established franchise-building firm. In that regard we all wish to bring the expertise we have to the table and to be able to operate in the areas we are most proficient.

We believe they know how to create stories. We are aware of the story we'll be telling the best and we'll come together to transform it into motion picture experiences. They're experts at making the film, we do not.

Do you get director approval, script approval or casting approval?

We have approvals in specific areas, and we've had significant consultation on other subjects. These are the highest levels of involvement that you could have within these processes. The majority of studios won't approve of any aspect because they want to be in complete control of the process. They're investing all their money into it and it's normal. However, I believe they were able to understand and appreciate our input to the point that they want us to participate in some things in a way that isn't normally the norm.

This doesn't mean that they'd like to cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold tie their hands since anyone who will invest money such a way, they do not want to be caught into a situation in which everything they do needs to be validated and approved, and create this huge mess.