
JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION takes place four years after Isla Nublar has been destroyed. Dinosaurs now live—and hunt—alongside humans all over the world. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether human beings are to remain the apex predators on a planet they now share with history's most fearsome creatures. In between this mix, a new company Biosyn has taken over the process to identify the genetics that could help the human race. But much like its predecessors, the company run by a money-grubbing business tycoon looks for profit at the cost of humanity. From kidnapping the genetically enhanced Maisie Lockwood to developing predatory dinosaurs for nefarious purposes, Biosyn delves into almost everything. Things come to head when Owen Grady and Claire Dearing set off on an adventure to rescue Maisie.

Jurassic World Dominion (English) Cast & Crew

  • Status

    • Released
  • Release Date

    • 10 June, 2022
  • Genre

    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Sci-Fi
  • Producer

    • Frank Marshall
  • Star Cast

    • Chris Pratt ... Owen Grady
    • Bryce Dallas Howard ... Claire Dearing
    • Laura Dern ... Dr. Ellie Sattler
    • Jeff Goldblum ... Dr. Ian Malcolm
    • Sam Neill ... Dr. Alan Grant
  • Writer

    • Colin Trevorrow
  • Censor Details:

    • Censor Dates
      • Not Available.
    • Censor Certificate No
      • Not Available.
    • Runtime
      • 2h 26min
    • Certification
      • Not Available.
  • Language

    • English
  • Director

    • Colin Trevorrow
  • Cinematographer

    • John Schwartzman
  • Screenplay

    • Colin Trevorrow
  • Shooting Location(City & Country)

    • United States