YOU Don't want to skip these Borean Tundra Quests! -WoW cataclysm Gold News

When WoW Cataclysm Classic launches and you end up in Northland, there may be some quest areas you get very tempted to skip. YOU Don't want to skip these Borean Tundra Quests! This may be because there's lots of people running around or you're continuously getting ganked there's a handful of quests I want to talk about briefly which you absolutely should not skip. We're going to be talking about each zone in each individual video today we're talking about Borean Tundra, so let's not miss about let's just get straight into it.

The first quest you shouldn't miss as alliance is called call to arms when you actually start valiance keep in Borean Tundra you'll go just outside valiance keeping kills and mobs run backwards and forwards for a bit and then you'll be sent over to far Shire. This is the first part of the quest line that you're going to want to complete the first quest starts with actually heading over to far Shire and speaking to Gerald green and it ends with a quest called call to arms where you literally just go and ring a bell and then go back and hand in when you hand in you're gonna have a choice of three necklaces one is chain of the tolling bell which is stamina, hit expertise and attack power one is indomitable choker of light with intellect stamina, crit and spell power and finally pendant of revolutionary thoughts which is stamina, intellect kit and spell power all three of these necks are one three.

AI level so depending on what you was using at the end of WoW Cataclysm Classic this could potentially be a very very quick upgrade and to be fair, it's a fairly easy quest chain as well which you know quick firing quests and getting a lot of XP so don't skip this but horde equivalent quest for this is over on the east side of Borean Tundra as shown here on the map, and it's to defeat Prince of Alinea and he's lieutenants.

There's a few pre quests for this and it also opened some more quests and you'll need to get words of power done which is to bring high priests novices scroll telecard scroll and under half scroll and you have to bring these scrolls to Chief them when to go at Tong Calais village once you get to the step breaking through this will give you the same next as what the Alliance got from ringing that bell and far Shire. The next one which is horde specific is called return my remains there is exactly the same quest rewards from an alliance quest which we'll look at in just a second.

But this quest is at the northern end of Borean Tundra just before the entrance to Sholazar Basin and it starts with farseer grim Walker spirit there is a small series of quests here but once you've been sent to fasea, grim Walker's spirit, you know you're on the right track. And once you've completed this quest, you'll be able to get a nice one with crit and spellpower or a gun if you're a hunter or warrior, rogue whatever with stamina and attack power.

There's also a ring for casters, but the main reason I wanted this one on the list is because you actually get an idol as a druid where your mangle as a chance to give 55 agility this will be particularly good if you haven't got very good gear and you haven't got the budget justice idle.

For example from cheap WoW cataclysm Gold same applies for Paladins of a librium where your judgments increase your critical strike chance and as a totem for you shamans, your shock spells have a chance to grant you 94 attack power now you absolutely can get better than these from WoW Cataclysm Classic but if you've gone fresh or you it's an old you haven't got that much gear or whatever you know, it could be halfway through WoW Cataclysm Classic. This is a good quest not to miss when you're doing Borean Tundra.